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Brainstorming for Final Project

Privacy is Theft

I want to take the option of writing a critical piece for my final project. I want to concentrate on one of two things: privacy and education.  As many may already know in the class I am very interested in how our privacy rights are slowly being challenged in this new digital era. In “The Circle,” we saw the aphorism of “Privacy is Theft,” yet what does this really mean in today’s society? What is privacy? What does it entail?  Things like filling out our full name, birthdays, and email addresses, have become so mundane to us that we don’t realize that we are constantly giving out our information to random third-party strangers.

Also, education is something that plays a major role in my life (my mother and aunts are teachers) and I want to see how incorporating technology into the ordinary classroom would either be a positive contribution or negative contribution to learning. Andre Sayegh, the 6th Ward Councilman for the City of Paterson, NJ (who is also running for Mayor of Paterson in the upcoming elections) posted an article recently about how students have been missing out on school so much due to all the snow storms this winter. However, he proposes that with the help of technology, we can remediate this problem by having online classes on days in where it is too dangerous for students/parents travel to school/work. What repercussions can this have? And will it really remediate the problem?

These are all questions that I am truly taking into consideration as I think more in depth about where I want my critique paper to go.